Fast Acting Lawn Fertilizer
Summer Safe Mild Fertilizer
Need a fast, quick, PUNCH of green and growth?
Treat your entire lawn in 15 minutes.
Apply to ANY type of grass.
New GreenShocker ™ is a high-tech, all fast release, HIGH-TECH DG granular, lawn fertilizer that works as fast as a liquid, but with less mess and TIME involved than most sprays. Apply with any lawn spreader and water in. See a quick green up in little as 48-72 hours and in 4-7 days see a super thick green lawn start to form. This product can be applied to any type of turf grass both warm season or cool season lawn. 1/2 acre of lawn can be treated in roughly 15 minutes. See and read application instructions fully.
► 7-1-2 Nutrient Ratio
► Iron
► Humic Acid
► Tiny Particle Size
► Patented DG Particle
► Apply in Minutes with Spreader
Why and when to use Greenshocker ™ Lawn Fertilizer
Most fertilizers are slow release and made for the “basic consumer” to help them avoid mistakes and feed for longer periods. They release their nutrients SLOWLY over an 8 week period. The problem is we often OVER fertilize to get the lawn greener and fuller. One treatment of slow release was not enough, so another is added. This “slow release buildup” can cause issues and burning.
You are in TOTAL control with GreenShocker ™
Have an event at your house next week? Want to PUNCH UP the green of your lawn? Lawn looking a little weak and light green from all the recent rain? GreenShocker ™ can be applied as a supplemental BOOST that will green up your lawn start in 72 hours if applied as described.
Need quick feeding for the spring? – GreenShocker ™
Want to feed in the fall but don’t want a fertilizer that will feed for weeks and weeks into the cold weather? – GreenShocker ™
Just scalped your lawn and need an extra push? – GreenShocker ™