GreenShocker ™ – How to Use

greenshocker lawn fertilizer particles

GreenShocker ™ can be applied to ANY type turf / grass either warm season or cool season. It should be applied during active growing seasons.


It’s very important to understand that unlike most fertilizers, which contain SLOW release nutrients, GreenShocker ™ is all FAST release.  It is designed to work rapidly and give the turf manager total control of nutrient release.  Do NOT over apply it. 

Cool Season Grasses

Summer – apply at 2.5 – 3lbs per 1000 / sq feet. May be repeated every 4 weeks*.

Spring & Fall – apply at 3 – 4 lbs per 1000 / sq feet. May be repeated every 2-3 weeks*.

Warm Season Grasses

Summer – Apply at 3 – 4.5 lbs per 1000 / sq feet. May be repeated every 3-4 weeks*.

Spring and Fall – Apply at 3 -4.5 lbs per 1000 / sq feet. May be repeated every 2-3 weeks*. Stop applying in fall 3 weeks prior to any cold weather approaching. 

Do not apply during periods of extended droughts unless irrigation is available and used.   

Always set your spreader at the SMALLEST opening that will allow product to flow. On most spreaders this will be roughly 1/8″ opening.  ALWAYS START WITH A TINY OPENING.

  • Cut your lawn prior to applying so you do not need to cut for the next 48 hours.
  • Apply GreenShocker ™ at a LIGHT rate. See above. 
  • Blow off sidewalks and driveways as the iron may cause small stains.
  • Immediately water into the lawn / soil
  • Water the lawn every 12 hours for the next 48 hours. Skip watering if rain even occurs.

You will see a darker green in as little as 48 – 72 hours and within 7 days a visibly darker green, lush growth.  The effects and color generally last 2-3 weeks. After 3 weeks another light coat may be applied.   

small particles greenshocker